Newport Festivals
Planned Giving
Planned and legacy gifts to Newport Festivals Foundation provide you and your loved ones tax benefits and critical funds to further NFF’s mission to preserve our festivals and expand their impact through music education and artist relief programs.
After completing estate planning or planned giving that includes a donation to Newport, you are invited to send us a copy of the relevant section of your will, trust or transfer documents that outline your intent to Newport Festivals Foundation. This helps us with our planning and also enables us to keep you up to date on our programs. Any information you share with Newport Festivals Foundation is kept in strict confidence.
Bequests are one of the most common and simple ways to leave a legacy gift.
Specific Bequest: Designate the amount of money or specific asset (property, securities, etc) you wish to donate.
Percentage Bequest: Designate the percentage of your estate you want distributed to Newport Festivals Foudnation.
Residuary Bequest: Instruct that any remaining part of your estate be distributed to Newport Festivals Foundation after distributions made to family, friends, etc.
Contingent Bequest: Instruct that Newport Festivals Foundation receive assets in the event that a beneficiary in your will is no longer living.
Another simple way to leave a legacy is to name Newport Festivals Foundation as a beneficiary of any individual or group life insurance policy. You will get an estate tax deduction for insurance proceeds that go to Newport Festivals Foundation upon your death.
With a charitable lead trust, you transfer cash or appreciated property to a trust, which makes payments to Newport Festivals Foundation for a period of time after which the assets of the trust are transferred to your beneficiaries. These trusts are particularly useful for managing capital gains and gift taxes for assets that have appreciated in value.
An IRA, 401(K), 403(b) or another qualified retirement plan has tax benefits for accumulating assets, but at death they may be subject to income and estate taxes. Gifting these accounts makes use of the full value of the assets. To leave your IRA or other retirement plan to Newport Festivals Foundation, contact your retirement plan company to request a beneficiary designation form.
Please let us know if you have included Newport Festivals Foundation in your will, life insurance or estate plans so that we may thank you for your generous commitment to Newport Festivals Foundation and our mission.
The information on our planned giving page is for informational purposes only. As with any decision involving your financial or estate plans, we strongly advise you to seek the advice of your financial advisor for your estate planning.
Electronic delivery of stock shares is the most secure and expedient delivery process available and provides efficient internal control as well as cost savings. However, you may also transfer certificates directly. For more information, please contact or call 978-768-7664 and ask to speak with Dan Swain.
Newport Festivals Foundation values the privacy of our donors. Donor information is kept strictly confidential. We do not sell, rent or trade the names of our donors. Donor contact information is kept in a password-protected database on a secure network. Credit card donations are processed by a reputable e-commerce provider on a secure, encrypted website and credit card numbers are not retained by Newport Festivals Foundation.

Your donation to Newport Festivals Foundation will help ensure the future of our festivals and support musicians and music education programs across the country.