Early Bird Member Page

Newport Folk will be doing things a little differently this year. We’ll be extending our dates to present two unique 3-day events of surprise performances, storytelling, and workshops at Fort Adams – July 23rd – July 25th and July 26th – July 28th, 2021.




We are pleased to announce that although we will still be operating at a reduced capacity this summer, due to new guidelines set by the State of Rhode Island and the Department of Health, all members can now choose which 3-day event they would like to attend this summer. There is no need to rank your preferences.

Please submit this form to let us know which 3-day event you would like to purchase tickets for this summer. You also have the option to defer your membership to 2022.

We are working directly with the State of Rhode Island and the Department of Health to determine the proper safety protocols for this summer. No matter what, we will follow the guidance of all city and state officials to keep you safe. Ticket holders may be subject to certain health protocols required at the time of the event, which can include; temperature checks, proof of a negative COVID test or vaccination, social distancing and wearing masks. We will provide more information as the event date gets closer so you will know exactly what to expect.


Wednesday, April 28 – Please submit your Early Bird Member form 

Tuesday, May 4 11:59 PM EST – Deadline to submit the form.

Friday, May 7 – Early Birds who wish to purchase tickets will be sent a one-time, unique link to purchase tickets. You will have a week to purchase your 3-day passes, tickets will not sell out during this time.

Friday, May 14 – Deadline to purchase tickets.

Will I be able to pick which event I’d like to purchase tickets to? 





How many tickets will I be able to purchase?

If you are an Early Bird Individual Member, you will be able to purchase up to (2) 3-day passes. If you are an Early Bird Family Member you will be able to purchase up to (4) 3-day passes. 


Will tickets sell out during the member pre-sale? 

No, you are guaranteed tickets as long as you purchase during the presale timeframe  –  May 7th through May 14th, 2021.  If you do not purchase by the deadline, you forfeit your opportunity to purchase tickets and your membership will still be considered fulfilled. 


I am not able to attend this summer, can I defer my membership to 2022? 

Yes. If you are not able to attend either 3 day event this summer, you can defer your Early Bird Membership to next year’s event (2022). As in years past, you will be able to take part in the Early Bird presale for 2022 tickets.


Will COVID safety protocols be announced before members have to complete the form?

No. At the moment, it’s too early to say which protocols will be in place at the time of the event. Ticket Holders may be subject to certain health protocols which may include; temperature checks, proof of a negative COVID test, social distancing and wearing masks.

Will artists be announced before members have to complete the form? 

No, artists will not be announced before the form deadline.


If I purchase tickets to this summer’s event, what happens to my membership? 

If you choose to purchase tickets to this summer’s events, your membership will be fulfilled and you will have to renew your Early Bird membership at the Foundation Tent this summer. 


Can I use one of my tickets for the FRI-SUN event, and the other for the MON-WED event? 

No, member tickets cannot be split up by events. You’ll only be able to purchase tickets to one of the 3-day events. 


How much will tickets cost? 

Each 3-day pass is $230 (plus fees). As in years past, if your plans change, you will have the option to return your tickets to the LYTE ticket exchange.


Will I be able to return my tickets through Lyte? 

Yes. As in years past, if your plans change, you will have the option to return your tickets to the LYTE ticket exchange.


Note;  if you return your tickets through lyte, you will not be able to renew your Early Bird membership on site at the festival. 


What if I’m also a Revival Member? 

You will need to fill out two separate forms. Each form will be emailed to you in two separate emails. Note that your Revival Membership will be handled completely separately from your Early Bird Membership and may have separate outcomes. 



Will I be able to renew my membership at the foundation tent this year? 

Yes! If you choose to attend one of the 3-day events, you will be able to renew your Early Bird Membership at the Foundation Tent this year. 


Can I upgrade my membership to Early Bird Family? 

No. Member upgrades or downgrades are not available at this time.  


Will tickets for this summer’s event be available to the general public after the member presale? 

Info coming soon. Standby!


Can I attend one day and then give my ticket to a friend/family member to attend the next day? 

No. Because of on-site COVID restrictions, tickets may not be shared with another party and cannot be split up by day. Out of an abundance of caution, this will be strictly enforced this year.


If I fill out the form and change my mind, can I fill it out again? 

No. Once you submit your request, no exchanges may be made. You’ll have until May 4, 2021, 11:59 PM EST to complete the form, so please take your time. No priority will be given to when your request form is submitted. This is NOT first-come, first-served. 


Are you selling child tickets for this summer? 

No. Due to reduced capacity Child tickets will not be sold in 2021. You can, however, use your member ticket/s for a child. No ticket is needed for a child two and under.  


What if I have an infant? 

No ticket is needed for a child two and under. 


Are you selling single day tickets?

No, for COVID safety reasons only 3 day tickets will be made available. 


Will you be selling parking tickets? 

Yes. More information coming later.


How will I receive the tickets I purchased? 

Ticket barcodes will be sent by email from Eventbrite a week before the event.



Early Bird ($100) ($100 Tax Deduction)

  • Guaranteed opportunity to purchase up to (2) adult, 3-day tickets for the 2020 Newport Folk Festival (during a pre-sale)

  • In-depth quarterly newsletters about Newport Festivals Foundation, Newport Folk and Newport Jazz

  • The exclusive opportunity to help shape the future of our festivals by becoming part of our member advisory group.

Early Bird Family ($200) ($200 Tax Deduction)

  • Guaranteed opportunity to purchase up to (4) adult, 3-day tickets for the 2020 Newport Folk Festival (during a pre-sale)

  • In-depth quarterly newsletters about Newport Festivals Foundation, Newport Folk and Newport Jazz

  • The exclusive opportunity to help shape the future of our festivals by becoming part of our member advisory group.

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