Newport Jazz Club Supporter Page


It is with the heaviest of hearts we announce the cancellation of the 2020 Newport Jazz Festival.

What Will Happen to my Jazz Club Membership? 

As a thank you for your support, we’ve decided to rollover your Jazz Club Membership fee ($100) to 2020-2021. You will be able to purchase your 2021 Jazz Club Tickets without paying the required membership fee.

What will happen to the Jazz Club Tickets I Purchased? 

Due to the financial and institutional uncertainties we find ourselves in, we believe the most trusting and direct course of action is to let you decide what to do with the tickets you purchased for this year. We ask that you please consider donating all or a portion of your total ticket order that will go directly towards ensuring our festival for 2021 while continuing our support for artists and educators.  We understand that these are difficult times, so we are offering an option for a 100% full ticket refund.


Although we won’t be able to gather at the Fort Adams this summer, rest assured we have invited ALL the announced artists to join us next year. In the meantime, we promise we will all commune one way or another on our festival weekend. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. Until then, stay safe. And as our founder George Wein says, don’t miss the beat.

Click here to read out Press Release and FAQs


Jazz Club Members receive exclusive access to purchase Jazz Club tickets for the 2021 Newport Jazz Festival which include: 

  • Festival admission ticket

  • Reserved parking space in THE Jazz Club parking area located in the lot closest to the entrance. One space per ticket order.

  • Exclusive access to The Jazz Club; a tented lounge on the North Lawn where you will find shade, lounge seating, complimentary light food, a private cash bar, and panoramic views of Newport Harbor, Narragansett Bay and the Fort Stage.

  • Access to limited Jazz Club Seating at the Fort, Quad & Harbor Stages. Seats within this area are first-come, first-served for Jazz Club members.

  • Exclusive access to upgraded restroom facilities in The Jazz Club on the North Lawn

  • Commemorative Newport Jazz Festival poster

  • In-depth quarterly newsletters about Newport Festivals Foundation, Newport Jazz Festival and the Newport Folk Festival

  • The exclusive opportunity to help shape the future of our festivals by becoming part of our member advisory group.

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Your donation to Newport Festivals Foundation will help ensure the future of our festivals and support musicians and music education programs across the country.